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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Pink Floyd: What if it's Just Green Cheese

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Pink Floyd
What if it's Just Green Cheese
BBC Omnibus
Live Broadcast

The landing of Apollo 11 on the moon easily qualifies as one of the truly epochal moments of the twentieth century. The three American astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin, spent about 21 hours on the moon, during which time countless thousands of people surely looked up and thought, ‘Wow, there are human beings up there.’ In fact, we know for sure that David Gilmour of Pink Floyd was one of those people.

With some assistance from its colleagues in the Netherlands and Germany, the BBC mounted programming to celebrate the great event. One of the shows featured a live jam by Pink Floyd. The program was a one-hour BBC1 TV Omnibus special with the whimsical title of So What If It’s Just Green Cheese?. It was broadcast on July 20, 1969, at 10 p.m. Interestingly, the program featured two actors who would become much more famous about three decades later Ian McKellan and Judi Dench. Dudley Moore and the Dudley Moore Trio were also on hand.

The Floyd jam session eventually came to be called ‘Moonhead’. Pink Floyd performed live in the studio, providing suitably spacey music throughout 
the programme. Collector have had audio tapes of this for several years and refer to the music as 
"Moonhead". The band claim they improvised the entire six-minute instrumental from scratch. It’s included in Pink Floyd’s massive new box set The "Early Years 1965-1972", which was released in 2016.

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